October 12, 2022
DENVER – The World Livestock Auctioneer Champion, Will Epperly, will showcase his chant and call at two special Red Angus FCCP sales in the coming weeks. Epperly, who hails from Dunlap, Iowa, won the 58th annual WLAC competition in Shipshewana, Indiana, in June, and is spending the year traveling the country sharing his talents with…
Read MoreOctober 10, 2022
DENVER – Honoring breeders and commercial producers for their service, loyalty and dedication to the Red Angus breed has long been the tradition of the annual awards banquet held on the final evening of the National Red Angus Convention. The 69th installation of this prestigious event took place at the Hilton Garden Inn in Kalispell,…
Read MoreOctober 10, 2022
DENVER – Red Angus producers who have embraced innovation and progress to improve the breed, as well as the beef industry, were recognized during the 69th annual National Red Angus Convention during the annual awards banquet on Sept. 16, 2022, in Kalispell, Montana. Honorees are selected by their peers and must have a record of…
Read MoreOctober 10, 2022
by Megan Underwood, Communications Intern DENVER – The ballroom was filled with cattlemen collaborating to learn about innovating the industry’s most-favored female during the Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium at the 69th annual National Red Angus Convention at the Hilton Garden Inn in Kalispell, Montana. Jordan Thomas, Ph.D., assistant professor and state beef reproduction specialist in the…
Read MoreSeptember 21, 2022
DENVER – The Grid Master Award, an honor bestowed by the Red Angus Association of America, is earned by operations that have successfully combined high-performing Red Angus genetics, skillful feeding and precise marketing to achieve success in the production of superior beef carcasses. Nolan Woodruff, RAAA commercial marketing specialist, announced the recipients of the 2022…
Read MoreSeptember 2, 2022
DENVER - Red Angus juniors took the red dirt by storm at the 2022 North American Junior Red Angus Event, held in Chickasha, Oklahoma, June 18-25. Juniors were successful in the show ring and in the many contests held during the week. “We appreciate the opportunity to support the 2022 NAJRAE as our National Junior Red…
Read MoreAugust 11, 2022
DENVER – The bustling ballrooms of Kalispell, Montana, will soon be filled with innovative and forward-thinking cattlemen and women during the 69th annual National Red Angus Convention. The Commercial Cattlemen’s Symposium, hosted by the Red Angus Association of America, is sure to be a highlight of the convention and will offer beef producers the tools…
Read MoreAugust 4, 2022
To advance its mission of equipping and preparing its young members to be leaders, innovators, stewards and advocates of the Red Angus breed and the beef business, the Red Angus Association of America Junior Activities committee annually awards scholarships to young men and women involved in agriculture. These scholarships are awarded to JRA members that…
Read MoreJune 21, 2022
DENVER – The Red Angus Association of America welcomes Kaitlyn Fulmer and Stephanie Johnson to the member services department. Fulmer and Johnson will assist members with inventory management, registrations, transfers, REDSPro software use and data submissions of various types. “Their enthusiasm of being a part of the Association has been evident from the very beginning,”…
Read MoreJune 16, 2022
DENVER – Beef producers are in for some great fellowship and an incredible lineup of speakers at the upcoming 69th annual National Red Angus Convention, set for Sept. 14-16 in Kalispell, Montana. Featured during convention will be Damian Mason an agriculturalist and comedian; NCBA President Don Schiefelbein; USMEF Director of Trade Analysis Jessica Spreitzer; and…
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