The Member Services Department is responsible for maintaining all member data including memberships, accounts receivable, Red Angus Magazine subscriptions, mailing lists, registrations, transfers, THR calendar, performance, DNA parentage, ultrasound data and Genetic Defect Status reports. For registration questions and data submissions, please email For DNA questions, please email
The Breed Improvement Department is responsible for developing and implementing tools to increase the reliability of Red Angus genetics. This pursuit is guided by the Breed Improvement and Technical Committees.
The RAAA Communications Department is responsible for delivering the Red Angus message to the beef industry as well as the dissemination of information about Association policy and programs to Red Angus breeders. The delivery of information is carried out via a wide array of media to include website, e-newsletters, social media, RFD-TV, podcasts, face-to-face interaction at industry trade shows and educational seminars, a national print advertisement campaign and the Red Angus Magazine.
The Red Angus Magazine is the official publication of the RAAA. In addition to being the Association’s largest single voice for the education and communication of its members and their customers, the Red Angus Magazine is also the primary vehicle for the promotion of the breed and its breeders. The Red Angus Magazine’s printed circulation is approximately 11,000 per issue and is also available online.
The Marketing staff focuses their efforts on serving Red Angus stakeholders by providing tools and resources including: Red Angus Feeder Calf Certification Program, Feeder Fax, Red Angus Stockyards, Red Angus Feeder Calf Sales, GridMaster Award, Educational Podcasts, FeMail, and more. Please feel free to contact the Marketing Department to find out how we can help you!
The Red Angus show staff are dedicated to assisting Red Angus cattle exhibitors in all facets of showing in order to represent the breed at the highest quality possible at regional and national shows across the U.S.
The education department strives to advance the capacity and ultimate success of the organization through educational efforts for members, association leadership and staff. The Junior Red Angus Association (JRA) offers educational and leadership opportunities to all junior members through age 21. The Junior Programs Coordinator is responsible for the JRA.