Foot and Leg scoring

Foot and leg soundness are important traits that can contribute to longevity in your herd. Just like other phenotypic traits such as calving ease, weights, udder scores and carcass merit, we must measure and document observations in order to improve and advance our genetics.

The first step to improving a trait is recording baseline measurements, and foot and leg soundness are no exception. The RAAA Foot and Leg Task Force assists members through education and practical tools to inspect and document the foot and leg structure of their individual cattle.

Scoring education and resources are available on the side menu. Additionally, members may download their inventory into the "Foot and Leg Scoring" report in REDSPro.
These scores are meant for in-herd use – the RAAA is not requesting you submit foot data at this time. Please record your cattle’s feet per the suggested measurements, cull accordingly and rescore your herd every year.

A common theme of genetics and management is education. Please complete the foot and leg educational training to begin the foot and leg scoring process.

Foot and Leg Scoring Guidelines Feet and leg soundness are important traits that can increase longevity in the herd. The Beef Improvement Federation on has recommended the collection of three feet and leg phenotypes to obtain data on structural soundness. These phenotypes include hoof claw shape, hoof angle and rear hock angle.


Click here for the full PDF foot and leg scoring guide. 

Use these forms and resources to score the feet and legs in your herds.

RAAA Foot and Leg Scoring - PDF

RAAA Foot and Leg Scoring - XLS