$GAIN Index Developed by IGS

Our partnership with International Genetic Solutions (IGS) has led to important advancements in trait development. Along with the recent update of Dry Matter Intake, IGS has introduced a new index called $GAIN.

$GAIN predicts animals that are more profitable in the feedlot by efficiently converting feed into weight. It combines the DMI EPD and Average Daily Gain (ADG) EPD, where ADG is weighted by the value of a pound of gain and DMI is negatively weighted by the cost of a pound of dry matter. A higher $GAIN value means more profit per head per day during the post-weaning period.

In September 2024, RAAA Board approved the release of the $GAIN Index to members but chose not to integrate it into the current suite of EPDS. Instead, it’s available as a downloadable report featuring the top sires by progeny count, including their $GAIN Index and accuracy values. The report will be updated monthly as IGS completes evaluations.

Download the csv file or the Excel file

For questions, contact Director of Breed Improvement, Dr. Lindsay Upperman, at lindsay@redangus.org or 940-387-3502 ext. 29.