Value-added Programs

Value-Added Programs



Want to hear about the program from a long-time user? Click here for a testimonial video!

Flavor symbols

With more than two million head enrolled, the Red Angus Feeder Calf Certification Program (FCCP), has seen many years of growth as a Genetic, Source and Age Program. The FCCP's "Yellow Tag" is recognized as the symbol of guaranteed "Angus" genetics and a trusted source for both feeders and packers filling "Angus" product lines. Enhancing the value of Red Angus genetics since 1995, the FCCP builds a reputation through source verification to the ranch of origin and, coupled with group age verification, provides access to export market premiums. For further information on how to order tags, click here.

To enroll Red-Angus sired calves in the program, contact the value-added department at or call (940) 477-4593.

Participants will conduct an over-the-phone questionnaire to determine qualifications and be given the opportunity to purchase program tags.

Want to hear about the program from a long-time user? Click here for a testimonial video!


FCCP Enrollment Checklist ASV Tag Search
Customer Enrollment Agreement USDA Certificate of Conformance
Purchased Bred Females Form State Contacts for Premise IDs

Flavor symbols Allied Access, started in 2012, provides Red Angus customers with another value-added solution for their crossbreeding programs. Allied Access delivers Age & Source Verification (ASV) without the Genetic restrictions of its predecessor, the FCCP. Allied Access was created with the FCCP's same user-friendly features and carries on its tradition of being the industry's most trusted program.

Want to hear from a customer about the program? Click here for a testimonial video!

FCCP Enrollment Checklist ASV Tag Search
Customer Enrollment Agreement USDA Certificate of Conformance

The Premium Red Baldy Program


A genetically verified female program for the commercial beef industry.


Premium Red Baldy is a tagging program designed to take advantage of hybrid vigor by maximizing the best traits of both Red Angus and Hereford and providing commercial producers with premium replacement females. The program helps producers access genetically verified females that have the best combination of longevity, fertility and adaptability to incorporate into producers’ herds. As the nation’s cow herd expands to meet beef demand, Premium Red Baldy females rise to the challenges of producing more beef sustainably and profitably, without sacrificing quality. The Premium Red Baldy program has the ideal balance of maternal and carcass traits, which will yield cattle poised to increase the profitability of the commercial producer. Premium Red Baldy uses genetics supported by the only two beef breed associations backed by whole herd reporting.


  • Heifer-only program – No steers will be tagged in this non-PVP tagging program.
  • Females must be sired by bulls in the top 50% of the breed for Baldy Maternal Index (BMI$) or Profitability and Sustainability Index (ProS).
  • Targeted breed percentages on qualified females will range from 25%-75% Red Angus and Hereford, with a small allowance for other breeds.
  • Females must be red-bodied with either a bald or brockle face.
  • No black-hided cattle will be admitted, regardless of genetic makeup.

Click here to find Premium Red Baldy Females

Please contact your respective breed representative for more information.

Red Angus Association of America
Jeananne Drouhard, Value-Added Department
(940) 387-3502, Ext. 2

American Hereford Association
Trey Befort, Director of Commercial Programs
(816) 842-3757

Introducing the American Red Program

Cows looking into the camera

A unique blend of maternal traits, adaptability, growth and marbling – all packaged with a heat-tolerant red hide – is the new beef cross called American Red. Designed to impact producers in heat-challenged areas, American Red is a collaboration by the Red Angus Association of America and Santa Gertrudis Breeders International.

The offspring of this crossbreeding program will be well suited for commercial producers who are seeking quality replacement females and steers that fit in the value-added segment of the beef industry.

American Red has been tested and proven at the King Ranch in Kingsville, Texas. Numerous other breeders in the southern U.S. have also begun using this strategic cross to combat the harsh environment with marked success.

Program Specs

  • To qualify for the American Red commercial cattle program and accompanying tag, steers and heifers in the same calf crop must be sired by registered Red Angus bulls averaging in the top 50% of the breed for the Profitability and Sustainability index (ProS) or registered Santa Gertrudis bulls averaging in the top 50% for the SGBI Balanced Index.
  • Breed percentages on qualified cattle will range from 25% to 75% Red Angus and 25% to 75% Santa Gertrudis, with a small allowance for other breeds. Most qualified cattle will be red. However, color is not an exclusionary requirement. Groups of cattle do not need to be fully red-hided to qualify.
  • Dams of qualifiable calves must contain at least 50% of the reciprocal breed, meaning 50% or more Santa Gertrudis when the calves are sired by Red Angus sires, or 50% or more Red Angus when calves are sired by Santa Gertrudis bulls. To verify dam-side genetics, qualifiable herds will sign a verification form stating that at least 50% of the genetic makeup of the dams of calves to be qualified is from the reciprocal breed.
  • The tag used for this program will be a unique, American Red-labeled tag issued by the Red Angus Association of America. Tagging options include dangle tags or EID/panel tag combination-nested sets. Calves must be tagged on the ranch of origin.

The program requires a $1.25 fee for each tag. There is no minimum for enrollment.

View more information here.

Red Angus and IMI Global Programs 

A new arrangement between the Red Angus Association of America and IMI Global, a division of Where Food Comes From, Inc., will allow cattle producers who take advantage of Red Angus value-added programs to more easily utilize IMI Global verification services. Cattle producers who enroll in Red Angus value-added programs will now have the capability to start the application process for IMI Global claims on the same phone call, saving valuable time and streamlining the enrollment process.

IMI Global offers multiple verification programs to boost cattle producers’ profit potential, including non-hormone treated cattle, verified natural and grass-fed beef, as well as its newest sustainability program, BeefCARE.

Because the FCCP is already providing verification for age, source and genetics, producers who enroll calves in the program can use the same program compliant tag or EID as the identifier for Red Angus and IMI Global programs.

For more information about the Red Angus IMI Global enrollment process, contact contact the value-added department at or call (940) 477-4593.


IMI Red Angus Ranch Verification Application 
IMI Red Angus Ranch Verification Renewal Application 
IMI Global Program Packet Informational Guide
BeefCARE Information Flyer 

The RAAA Value-Added Department offers 840 EID tags for purchase. These tags are able to be tied to your enrollment in RAAA value-added programs. Additionally, we can incorporate your current EIDs into our records for $1 per tag. 

For more information on the benefits of EIDs and USDA requirements, download our Guide to 840 EIDs here