The Red Angus Association of America marketing staff strives to provide commercial producers with superior marketing assistance to increase the marketability of Red Angus cattle. Feeder Fax is a FREE service provided to commercial cattlemen marketing Red Angus genetics that can help garner additional attention for cattle being offered for sale.
To promote improved heifer development, increase marketing opportunities for Red Angus females and create reliable sources of high-quality replacement heifers for cattle producers, the Red Angus Association of America recently launched the “Red Choice” program. The program embraces proven reproductive and genetic management practices which, in turn, lead to high-quality, long-lasting females that are ready to hit the ground running in commercial herds.
Based on the Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Replacement Program from the University of Missouri, the Red Choice program was launched in 2021 and comes with several requirements that increase the overall quality of enrolled females such as minimum vaccination requirements, pre-breeding exams, utilization of reproductive technologies, parasite control and feet/leg scoring. The program culminates with sale eligibility wherein cattle producers can purchase premium Red Choice females for their herd with the confidence that those females have been managed and raised to the highest quality standards possible. The primary goal for these better-managed heifers is their retention in the herd of origin, where their extra value will be measurable over time.
The Red Angus female has long been viewed as the industry’s most-favored. The Red Choice program strengthens that claim and elevates Red Angus female value even higher. The success of the Show-Me-Select program in Missouri and its effect on the cattle business in that state has been monumental. Making this program available to Red Angus and Red Angus-influenced cattle will have similar results. Adding documented best management practices, breeding protocol and sire selection criteria to the highly popular Red Angus bred heifer creates an opportunity for increased rancher profit in every environment.
For questions about the Red Choice program contact Taylor Ohlde, commercial marketing specialist, at For program requirements, fee structure and other important details view the guidelines and timeline.
Use Red Angus Feeder Fax to send descriptions of your feeder cattle and calves to feedyard managers and order buyers, who have expressed an interest in feeding Red Angus. Feeder Fax is FREE, and works for load lots of calves or yearlings. Whether you are selling through a sale barn, video auction or private treaty, Feeder Fax is available to help inform buyers of cattle you have for sale. Listing your cattle on the Feeder Fax is easy. Complete the following form and send it in at least 72 hours before sale time:
If you are interested in receiving the Feeder Fax, please email the value-added department at
The commercial marketing team works alongside seedstock producers and sale barn managers to create extra demand for red-hided cattle through specialized sales. Our team prioritizes the success of these sales and initiates sales in areas needing a strong outlet to sell Red Angus feeders. The team has created a how-to guide to provide guidance in preparing for a feeder calf sale.
As you read through this how-to manual, we encourage you to reach out to the commercial marketing team for assistance. We are happy to be partners in this endeavor. See the full how-to guide here.