
Beware Of Phishing Scams Directed Towards RAAA Stakeholders!

Posted January 21, 2025

What is Phishing? 
Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to steal sensitive information such as login credentials, financial data, or personal identification details. Phishing emails can often have real consequences for people who give scammers their information, including identity theft.

Phishing emails often appear to be from trusted sources and may include:

  • Suspicious links that take you to fake websites designed to steal your information.
  • Requests for sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers, or Social Security numbers.
  • Urgent messages urging you to act quickly, claiming your account is at risk or locked.

Many of you may receive these types of scam emails that appear to be from the following leaders within Red Angus:
Kyley DeVoe, RAAA President
Tom Brink, CEO
Jeff Petitt, RAAA Treasurer
Janet Russell, RAAA Accountant

However, you could potentially receive this type of scam email from any RAAA board of director or RAAA staff member. Please be cautious of these emails! The easiest way to determine if it is a scam is to check the email it is being sent from.

The RAAA staff will NOT send you an email soliciting help in these forms. Below is an email that DID NOT come from the RAAA.

Signs that this email is a scam, even though it looks like it comes from someone you know:

  • The language is odd
  • The email solicits odd requests and can include a request for money.

Please report these types of emails to spam through your email provider, so that we can help cut down on the number of members that receive these requests.
We continually explore ways we can decrease these instances through our IT support.

However, we do use email notifications significantly and you will receive automated emails from us regarding your account invoice balance, along with Total Herd Reporting requirements and requests. These emails will come from We will also send receipts directly to your email after a payment is made on the account, these receipts are sent from Both email addresses are a legit Red Angus email account.