Herd Inventory reports: This is a list of active animals sent out at the beginning of the inventory season to ensure that all of those animals are active and producing for the upcoming season. All females listed on the active inventory by the herd inventory due date will be billed the THR assessment for the year.
Spring calving – list is sent out in January and due the first week of March.
Fall calving – list is sent out in July and due the first week of September.
Birth and Weaning reports: To record all calf data for active cows for the current year.
Spring calving –requested in August (around weaning time) and due in May one week prior to inactivation
Fall calving – requested in March (around weaning time) and due October one week prior to inactivation
No Progeny Reporting: This report shows cows without calving data recorded for the previous year and are at risk of inactivation. It is important to look at this report because if not taken care of, the cows will fall inactive.
Spring calving – sent out in January and due the first week of March.
Fall calving – sent out in July and due the first week of September.
Inactivation Report: This report shows cows that never had previous year’s data submitted that have fallen inactive and are subject to reactivation fees.
Spring Inactivations happen at the end of May for the previous year’s calf crop (ex: Spring 2023 inactivations will happen May 2024)
Fall Inactivations happen at the end of October for the previous year’s calf crop (ex: Fall 2023 inactivations will happen October 2024)
Heifer exposure report: This report requests indication on if your heifers were exposed or not and the dates they were exposed. This is not a mandatory report, but highly recommended as it provides data for the Heifer Pregnancy EPD calculation.
Spring heifers – requested in January and can be submitted any time. Recommended due date is in November.
Fall heifers – requested in July and can be submitted any time. Recommended due date is in April.