Registration types indicate the Registered status of an animal. Anything other than an (R) or (I) status cannot be transferred or have registration certificates printed.
- (R) Registered - animal is registered and no additional information is required
- (I) Incomplete - animal is registered, weaning weight has not been recorded and the calf is less than a year old. This status will automatically change to R after the calf is a year old.
- (C) Compute - This animal is not registered and has only been recorded to satisfy THR reporting requirements.
- (F) Foreign - This animal has been imported from another association and is not registered. These animals are considered foundation animals and can be the sire or dam to registered progeny.
- (U) Genetic Defect Hold- This animal is on hold and needs DNA testing for a genetic defect.
- (Z) Parent DNA required - This animal is on hold due to missing DNA on a required parent. All sires (regardless of mating type) and all donor dams are required to have DNA on file.
- (B) Pedigree Exclusion - This animal is on hold status because its DNA is excluded from one or more parent(s) listed on their pedigree.