RAAA Index Survey

An important goal of the RAAA is to provide valuable tools to describe the genetic merit of Red Angus cattle. Currently, the Association provides predictions for 16 different traits. That’s a comprehensive package. However, it often becomes difficult to evaluate tradeoffs among the different traits. One useful tool that is available to promote multi-trait selection is the use of an economic selection index. Such indexes use economic analyses to properly weight EPD differences to predict overall profitability.

RAAA is committed to providing its members and commercial customers with the most advanced genetic selection tools. Therefore, RAAA has partnered with AbacusBio to evaluate and update our currently available selection indexes (Herdbuilder and Gridmaster). AbacusBio is an international agri-science consultancy company that has expertise in both the biological and economic aspects of breeding programs. The company has worked with a variety of different livestock organizations developing economic selection indexes.

As part of the index construction process, AbacusBio has developed survey methodology to collect user input in order to better understand the goals of all segments of the beef industry using Red Angus genetics. The survey is comprised of two main parts: the first part collects information about your operation and the second part will ask a series of preferences among different traits.

The goal of the survey is to try and gather responses from all phases of the beef industry that use Red Angus genetics. This information will be incorporated into the index development out the survey. To access the survey, please visit the link below. The survey will only be available for a limited amount of time, and your opinion is extremely important to help with this process. Please access and complete the survey at your earliest convenience so that your response can be included. Red Angus breeders are also encouraged to forward this survey to their commercial bull buyers to encourage them to participate as well.

Thank you!
Take the survey here