
Red Angus Now Available for Angus Branded Beef Programs

Posted December 14, 2021

DENVER – The Red Angus Association of America recently completed negotiations with USDA on the breed’s Live Animals Specification form or GLA Schedule. The result is Red Angus can now be included in Angus-labeled branded beef programs, at the request of each individual brand program.

Red Angus has always been "Angus," and USDA has officially acknowledged that fact by enabling Red Angus and Red Angus-influenced cattle that meet certain requirements to join black-hided animals in as many Angus beef brands as decide in favor of their inclusion. Both genotypic and phenotypic qualification criteria are contained in the new GLA Live Animal Specification Schedule, which can be viewed on the USDA website.

This change makes logical sense, as Red Angus cattle originated from the same Scottish gene pool as black Angus and are therefore genetically Angus. Beef demand is expected to remain high in 2022 and beyond, so the addition of Red Angus-influenced cattle to high-quality Angus-based branded beef programs fills a need which will benefit cow-calf producers, cattle feeders, packers and consumers.

Adding Red Angus to existing Angus beef programs is a simple process – brand owners simply need to contact USDA and request the inclusion of the RAAA GLA Schedule as part of their program's live animal specs, then make associated minor verbiage changes in their own G-Schedules. RAAA can assist in this process, which in most cases, takes very little time to prepare, and is followed by a short correspondence period with USDA-AMS.

RAAA is pleased that USDA recognizes that Red Angus are genetically Angus and looks forward to working with many branded Angus lines in 2022 and beyond, and will support efforts to help these brands grow, both in quality and volume, to become even more successful.

For more information about Red Angus value-added programs visit Contact Brandi Buzzard Frobose, RAAA director of communications, for media inquiries at or (785) 448-0239.


The Red Angus Association of America serves the beef industry by enhancing and promoting the measurable advantages of Red Angus and Red Angus-influenced cattle. The RAAA provides commercial producers with objectively described cattle by implementing new technologies and utilizing scientifically sound principles that quantify traits of economic importance to beef producers in all segments of the beef industry. For more information, visit
